Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is that English?

Hi guys, It's goldN wk! Sunny days, fre tym 2 w%d B gr8 f I didn't av such a rotten cold. So, Nstead of goin ot, I'm playN on d PC, readN, n makin ^v^v^ of tissues. wotU ^ 2?

Did you get that?  Language is a tool for communication, and constantly changing.  Now,  there are "sub-genres"  of English used for special puposes/situations.  That's an example of abbreviated language used for mobile texting.  Extra points if you can translate it!

(Answer and translation tool go up next week so send me your answers fast!)
PS.  You can send answers via comment on this blog, but I'll keep any answers hidden until I post the answer!

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